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Electrical Engineering - Renewable Energy and System Technology B.Sc.62018
IngWi-logo DFHI-logo E BA_EEE-D, BA_EL-D
prog acc system acc acc cluster
Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Albrecht Kunz
Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr. techn. Marcel Wiggert
Deputy Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr. Stefan Selle

Mandatory Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
English 1 DFBGE-002P610-0037 - 48TD 3 Martine Herzhauser
English 2 DFBGE-011P610-0043 - 24TD 2 Martine Herzhauser
English 3 DFBGE-020P610-0026 3 2VU 2 Dr. Julia Frisch
English 4 DFBGE-030P610-0032 4 2VU 2 Dr. Julia Frisch
English 6 DFBGE-048 6 2U 2 Dr. Julia Frisch
French 1 DFBGE-087P610-0039 - 48TD 4 Martine Herzhauser
French 2 DFBGE-201P610-0045 - 48TD 4 Martine Herzhauser
French 3 DFBGE-060P610-0027 3 4VU 4 Dr. Julia Frisch
French 4 DFBGE-061P610-0034 4 4VU 4 Dr. Julia Frisch
German 1 DFBGE-086P610-0036 - 48TD 4 Martine Herzhauser
German 2 DFBGE-200P610-0042 - 48TD 4 Martine Herzhauser
German 3 DFBGE-019P610-0025 3 4VU 4 Dr. Julia Frisch
German 4 DFBGE-029P610-0031 4 4VU 4 Dr. Julia Frisch
German 5 DFBGE-082 - 48TD 4 Martine Herzhauser
Intercultural Management 1 DFBGE-003P610-0038 1 24TD 2 Martine Herzhauser
Intercultural Management 2 DFBGE-202P610-0044 2 24TD 2 Martine Herzhauser
Introduction to Business Administration DFBGE-088P610-0040 - 12CM+12TD 1 Alina Simion

(17 modules)

Optional Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Chinese 3 DFBGE-300 3 2V 2 Prof. Dr. Thomas Tinnefeld
Chinese 4 DFBGE-400 4 2V 2 Prof. Dr. Thomas Tinnefeld

(2 modules)

Summary ECTS per semester (mandatory courses)

Semester ECTS
1 18.00
2 29.00
3 44.00
4 56.00
5 17.00
6 73.00
[Mon Feb 17 01:51:29 CET 2025, bkey=dfbees, lang=en, sort=t]