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Supply Chain Management M.Sc.32017 WiWi-logo   SUP MA_SUP
prog acc system acc (planned) acc cluster
Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Thomas Bousonville
Deputy Head of StudiesProf. Dr. Teresa Melo
Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr. Christian Liebig
Deputy Chairman of ExaminationProf. Dr. Udo Venitz
Handbook [PDF] (Jul 15 15:31:09 2021)

Mandatory Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Advanced Operations Research MASCM-240P420-0331, P420-0332, P620-0123 2 4VU international course 6 Prof. Dr. Teresa Melo
Business Process and Quality Management MASCM-130P420-0335, P620-0125 1 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Thomas Korne
Data Science MASCM-141P420-0336, P420-0337 1 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Stefan Selle
International Supply Management MASCM-220P420-0338, P420-0339 2 4VU 6 Prof. Dr. Thomas Korne
Lean Production Concepts and Methods MASCM-120P420-0340, P420-0341 1 4VU 6 Prof. Dr. Steffen H. Hütter
Logistics Seminar MASCM-110P420-0342 1 4S 6 Prof. Dr. Thomas Bousonville
Master's Colloquium MASCM-320P420-0040 3 2S 2 Prof. Dr. Teresa Melo
Master's Thesis MASCM-310T420-0343 3 - 22 Prof. Dr. Teresa Melo
Study Project MASCM-230P420-0345 2 4PA 6 Prof. Dr. Thomas Bousonville
Supply Chain Planning MASCM-210P420-0346, P420-0347, P620-0131 2 4VU 6 Prof. Dr. Thomas Bousonville

(10 modules)

Optional Courses

Module name (EN) Code SAP-P Semester Hours per semester week / Teaching method ECTS Module coordinator
Academic Communication MASCM-510 - 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Thomas Tinnefeld
Applied Business Ethics MASCM-540P420-0002 - 4S 6 Prof. Dr. Christian Conrad
Business English II MASCM-512 - 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Thomas Tinnefeld
Business French - Language and Intercultural Communication MASCM-514P420-0014 - 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Thomas Tinnefeld
Business Simulation Game MASCM-582P420-0030 - 4S 6 Prof. Dr. Jochen Pilhofer
Competition, Strategy & Innovation MASCM-580P420-0434 - 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Markus Münter
Digitization in Finance and Accounting MASCM-574 - 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Christoph Freichel
European Spring Academy MASCM-584P420-0008 - 4SU 6 Prof. Dr. Stefanie Jensen
Financial Communication and Balance Sheet Analysis MASCM-570P420-0009 - 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Jochen Pilhofer
Fraud, Compliance & Sustainability MASCM-592P420-0547 - 4VU 6 Prof. Dr. Jochen Pilhofer
Green Economy MASCM-555P420-0440 - 4VF 6 Prof. Dr. Thomas Korne
Industry 4.0: Basics, Implementation and Project MASCM-558 - 2V+2PA 6 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Köhler
Local Urban Mobility and Logistics Optimization MASCM-553P450-0234 - 4S 6 Prof. Dr. Steffen H. Hütter
Managing a Company Correctly: Legal Management MASCM-542P420-0029 - 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Sybille Neumann
Marketing Controlling MASCM-562P420-0016 - 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Tatjana König
Practical Phase - Internship MASCM-Z1 - - 30 Studienleitung
Professional Personnel Selection and Self-Positioning for Specialists and Managers MASCM-532P420-0025 - 4S 6 Prof. Dr. Markku Klingelhöfer
Research Phase - Internship MASCM-Z2 - - 30 Studienleitung
Self-Reflection and Storytelling MASCM-533P420-0431 - 4S 6 Prof. Dr. Markku Klingelhöfer
Simulation in Production and Logistics MASCM-550P420-0432 - 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Thomas Bousonville
Web-Based Knowledge Management MASCM-520P420-0031 - 4V 6 Prof. Dr. Stefan Georg

(21 modules)

Summary ECTS per semester (mandatory courses)

Semester ECTS
1 24.00
2 24.00
3 24.00
[Sun Sep  8 22:33:40 CEST 2024, bkey=scm3, lang=en, sort=t]