Modulbezeichnung (engl.):
Performance and Flight Planning II & Navigation II |
Code: ABBG48 |
4V (4 Semesterwochenstunden) |
5 |
Studiensemester: 3 |
Pflichtfach: ja |
Deutsch |
Klausur (Minimum 75% zum Bestehen) 90 Minuten
[letzte Änderung 23.07.2015]
Informationen bzgl. der Prüfungswiederholung (jährlich oder semesterweise) finden Sie verbindlich in der jeweiligen ASPO Anlage.
ABBG48 (P410-0011) Aviation Business (grundständig), Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2015
, 3. Semester, Pflichtfach
ABBG48 (P410-0011) Aviation Business (grundständig), Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2018
, 4. Semester, Pflichtfach
Die Präsenzzeit dieses Moduls umfasst bei 15 Semesterwochen 60 Veranstaltungsstunden (= 45 Zeitstunden). Der Gesamtumfang des Moduls beträgt bei 5 Creditpoints 150 Stunden (30 Std/ECTS). Daher stehen für die Vor- und Nachbereitung der Veranstaltung zusammen mit der Prüfungsvorbereitung 105 Stunden zur Verfügung.
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen (Module):
ABBG43 Flugleistungen und -planung I & Navigation I ABBG61 Visual Flight Training I
[letzte Änderung 12.05.2016]
Sonstige Vorkenntnisse:
ABBG62 Visual Flight Training II ABBG63 Instrument Flight Training ABBG64 Multi Crew Cooperation
[letzte Änderung 12.05.2016]
Als Vorkenntnis empfohlen für Module:
ABBG411 ATPL-Prüfungsvorbereitung
[letzte Änderung 12.05.2016]
Studienleitung |
Dozent/innen: Matthias Lehmann (Vorlesung) Rolf Weymar (Vorlesung)
[letzte Änderung 12.05.2016]
Performance and Flight Planning (broader term) Part 2 Performance and Flight Planning is subdivided into the subjects: - Mass & Balance - Aeroplane Performance - Flight Planning & Monitoring The students have comprehensive knowledge about definitions mass and balance considerations and limitations while operating an aeroplane and are able to calculate aircraft loadings, CG positions for the safe operation of aeroplane certified according to CS 25. The students know the flight mechanical and aerodynamical principles and concepts of aeroplane performance know the legal requirements to operate aeroplanes according to performance class A and are able to calculate the required parameters for all phases of flight for this type of aeroplanes. The students are able to gather all information necessary to plan a commercial flight according to IFR. At the end of mass & balance, performance and flight planning considerations and calculation, the students are able to make proper decisions about the operationality of a flight under given conditions and are able to assess the risk contained in here. Navigation (broader term) Part 2 Navigation is subdivided into the subjects: • General Navigation • Radio Navigation The students are able to navigate an aeroplane according to visual and instrument flight rules by the application of methods of determining position, course and distance to travel to a pre-determined destination. For that to happen, the students must have a high level of knowledge and practice of all applicable navigation Methods.
[letzte Änderung 11.02.2020]
Performance and Flight Planning Part 2 1. Mass and Balance 1.1. Allowed take off mass 1.2. Maximum traffic and fuel load 1.3. Cargo loading and limitations 1.4. The effect of mass and its distribution 1.5. Aerodynamic chord and CG position 1.6. Adjusting the CG position 1.7. Methods of weighing aeroplanes 1.8. Weighing passengers, crew and baggage 1.9. Performance class A medium range jet transport aeroplane load & trim 1.10. Performance class A long range jet transport aeroplane load & trim 2. Aeroplane Performance 2.1. Performance legislation 2.2. Performance class A take-off theory 2.3. Aerodrome distances 2.4. Performance class A medium range jet transport aeroplane take off 2.5. Additional take off techniques or procedures 2.6. The initial take off climb 2.7. Performance class A medium range jet transport aeroplane en-route 2.8. Performance class A medium range jet transport aeroplane landing 2.9. Calculation exercises 3. Flight Planning and Monitoring 3.1. IFR flight planning 3.2. IFR navigation log 3.3. Performance class A medium range jet transport aeroplane simplified planning 3.4. Performance class A medium range jet transport aeroplane detailed flight planning 3.5. Performance class A medium range jet transport aeroplane flight plans 3.6. Pre-flight planning 3.7. Monitoring the flight’s progress 3.8. Contingency planning 3.9. Performance class A medium range jet transport aeroplane non-normal operations 3.10. Long range flight 3.11. Calculation exercises Navigation Part 2 1. General Navigation 1.1. Aeronautical charts 1.2. Polar stereographic projection 1.3. Grid navigation 1.4. Radio plotting techniques 1.5. Vertical navigation 1.6. The flight log 1.7. In flight actions 1.8. Time 1.9. The air almanac 2. Radio Navigation 2.1. Distance measuring equipment 2.2. Instrument landing system 2.3. Microwave landing system 2.4. Basic radar theory 2.5. Weather radar 2.6. Secondary surveillance radar 2.7. Area navigation 2.8. Flight management system 2.9. Satellite navigation system (cont.)
[letzte Änderung 11.02.2020]
Weitere Lehrmethoden und Medien:
Lectures, exercises, calculations / ppt and keynote presentations, white board, flip chart, iTunes U, iPad or MacBook,
[letzte Änderung 11.02.2020]
- ATPL learning objectives, EASA 2016 - ATPL Aeroplane Performance, Slate Ltd. 2012 - ATPL Flight Planning, Slate Ltd. 2014 - ATPL Mass and Balance, Slate Ltd. 2014 - ATPL General Navigation, Slate Ltd. 2012 - ATPL Radio Navigation, Slate Ltd. 2012 - Certification and Specifications “Part 25”, EASA (latest version) - Certifications and Specifications “Part Definitions”, EASA (latest version) - Regulation(EU) 965 2012 Part CAT / AMC and GM to Part CAT
[letzte Änderung 11.02.2020]