Modulbezeichnung (engl.):
Instrument Flight Training |
Code: ABBG63 |
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10 |
Studiensemester: 5 |
Pflichtfach: ja |
Deutsch |
Checkflug 90 Minuten
[letzte Änderung 23.07.2015]
Informationen bzgl. der Prüfungswiederholung (jährlich oder semesterweise) finden Sie verbindlich in der jeweiligen ASPO Anlage.
ABBG63 (P410-0021) Aviation Business (grundständig), Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2015
, 5. Semester, Pflichtfach
ABBG63 (P410-0021) Aviation Business (grundständig), Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2018
, 5. Semester, Pflichtfach
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen (Module):
ABBG411 ATPL-Prüfungsvorbereitung ABBG46 Luftrecht II & Betriebliche Verfahren II
[letzte Änderung 04.05.2016]
Sonstige Vorkenntnisse:
ABBG62 Visual Flight Training II ABBG64 Multi Crew Cooperation
[letzte Änderung 23.11.2015]
Als Vorkenntnis empfohlen für Module:
Studienleitung |
Dozent/innen: Matthias Lehmann (Vorlesung) Rolf Weymar (Vorlesung)
[letzte Änderung 04.05.2016]
The students shall attain the following competencies during the this phase of ATPL flight training: - Application of aviation knowledge - Aircraft control - Knowledge of / adherence to procedures - Radio communication - Risk, task and workload management - Situational awareness - Aeronautical decision making and problem solving [OE+0+0+0+0+0+0=0]
[letzte Änderung 11.02.2020]
Instrument Flight Training Phase 4 (RWL or FlightSafety Academy) Instrument flying exercises and operation of a multi-engine aeroplane comprise: - Instrument dual flight instruction and synthetic flight instruction conducted in flight and navigation procedures trainers, in single engine aeroplanes and in multi-engine aeroplanes - Instrument time as SPIC in single engine aeroplanes - Pre-flight procedures for IFR flights, including the use of the flight manual and appropriate air traffic services documents in the preparation of an IFR flight plan - Procedures and manoeuvres for IFR operation under normal, abnormal and emergency conditions covering at least: - transition from visual to instrument flight on take-off - standard instrument departures and arrivals - en route IFR procedures - holding procedures - instrument approaches to specified minima - missed approach procedures - landings from instrument approaches, including circling - in-flight manoeuvres and specific flight characteristics - transition from IFR to VFR - visual traffic pattern Phase 4 (RWL) Acclimatisation training for students that have received flight instruction at the FlightSafety Academy and exercises up to the CPL skill test, the class rating skill test and the instrument rating skill test level comprise: - Instrument dual flight instruction in flight and navigation procedure trainers and flight instruction conducted in multi-engine aeroplane - pre-flight procedures for IFR flights, including the use of the flight manual and appropriate air traffic services documents in the preparation of an IFR flight plan - procedures and manoeuvres for IFR operation under normal, abnormal and emergency conditions covering at least: - transition from visual to instrument flight on take-off - standard instrument departures and arrivals - en route IFR procedures - holding procedures - instrument approaches to specified minima - missed approach procedures - landings from instrument approaches, including circling - in-flight manoeuvres and specific flight characteristics - transition from IFR to VFR - visual traffic pattern
[letzte Änderung 11.02.2020]
Weitere Lehrmethoden und Medien:
Class briefings, lesson plans, flight preparation, pre-flight briefings, flight lessons, post-flight briefing, self-study according to lesson plans and homework assignments Single engine aeroplanes, FNPT II, multi-engine aeroplanes, white board, flip chart, iTunes U, iPad or MacBook, PC-MET software, JeppView Software,
[letzte Änderung 11.02.2020]
- Training Manual Part A Chapter 2, RWL German Flight Academy 2015 - Training Manual Part B Chapter 1 through 11, RWL German Flight Academy 2013 - Operations Manual Part A trough C, RWL German Flight Academy 2013 - POH PA 28R, Piper Aircraft Corporation (latest version) - POH PA 44, Piper Aircraft Corporation (latest version) - AIP Germany - AIP VFR - Jeppesen Airway Manual, Jeppesen Sanderson Inc. (latest version) - Bottlang Airfield Manual, Jeppesen Sanderson Inc. (latest version)
[letzte Änderung 11.02.2020]