Module code: KIB-IEP |
3V+1U (4 hours per week) |
5 |
Semester: 4 |
Mandatory course: no |
Language of instruction:
German |
Project work
[updated 28.09.2023]
KIB-IEP (P212-0090) Computer Science and Communication Systems, Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2021
, semester 4, optional course
KIB-IEP (P212-0090) Computer Science and Communication Systems, Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2022
, semester 4, optional course
MST.IEP (P212-0090) Mechatronics and Sensor Technology, Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2020
, optional course
PIB-IEP (P212-0090) Applied Informatics, Bachelor, ASPO 01.10.2022
, semester 4, optional course, not informatics specific
60 class hours (= 45 clock hours) over a 15-week period. The total student study time is 150 hours (equivalent to 5 ECTS credits). There are therefore 105 hours available for class preparation and follow-up work and exam preparation.
Recommended prerequisites (modules):
Recommended as prerequisite for:
Module coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Kai Haake |
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Kai Haake
[updated 01.10.2022]
Learning outcomes:
The course is specifically designed for students who anticipate the need for project management skills in their future career. After successfully completing this part of the module, students will be familiar with the most important fundamentals of business administration and project management. This course is not intended as a pure project management course, but rather an introduction for engineering students to business issues to help them deal with standard tasks, optimization procedures and analysis methods. The course will also help students understand future project partners with a business background by for example, teaching them practical jargon. On the basis of practical industrial development projects, students will acquire knowledge about costs, procurement and marketing/sales in particular. Complementary topics such as business administration and industrial development processes will expand students´ understanding of economic and corporate strategy perspectives and methods. Students will be able to understand product development plans and create large parts of them on their own.
[updated 26.01.2023]
Module content:
- Utility theory - Market economy theory and price theory - Cost and production theory - Finance theory - Decision theory - Project management - Marketing - External cooperations - Business case & co.
[updated 26.01.2023]
Teaching methods/Media:
The lecture integrates exercises and seminar-based instruction on selected topics.
[updated 26.01.2023]
Recommended or required reading:
• Plinke, Wulff, Mario Rese, und B. Peter Utzig. Industrielle Kostenrechnung. 8. Auflage. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Vieweg, 2015 • Peters, Theo, und Nicole Schelter. Kompakte Einführung in Das Projektmanagement. 1st ed. 2021. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2021 • Breyer, Friedrich. Mikroökonomik. 6., überarb. u. aktual. Aufl. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer Gabler, 2015 • Simon, Hermann, und Martin Faßnacht. Preismanagement. 4., vollständig neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 2016 • Backhaus, Klaus, Bernd Erichson, Wulff Plinke, und Rolf Weiber. Multivariate Analysemethoden. 15., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Gabler, 2018
[updated 26.01.2023]
Module offered in:
WS 2024 (probably),
WS 2023/24