Modulbezeichnung (engl.):
Environmental Decision Support Systems |
Code: PIM-WI65 |
4V (4 Semesterwochenstunden) |
5 |
Studiensemester: 2 |
Pflichtfach: nein |
Englisch |
Group project: requirements specification for an EDSS
[letzte Änderung 25.03.2015]
KI869 Kommunikationsinformatik, Master, ASPO 01.04.2016
, 2. Semester, Wahlpflichtfach, informatikspezifisch
KIM-EDSS (P222-0106) Kommunikationsinformatik, Master, ASPO 01.10.2017
, 2. Semester, Wahlpflichtfach, informatikspezifisch
MAM. (P222-0106) Engineering und Management, Master, ASPO 01.10.2013
, 8. Semester, Wahlpflichtfach, informatikspezifisch
PIM-WI65 Praktische Informatik, Master, ASPO 01.10.2011
, 2. Semester, Wahlpflichtfach, informatikspezifisch
PIM-EDSS (P222-0106) Praktische Informatik, Master, ASPO 01.10.2017
, 2. Semester, Wahlpflichtfach, informatikspezifisch
Die Präsenzzeit dieses Moduls umfasst bei 15 Semesterwochen 60 Veranstaltungsstunden (= 45 Zeitstunden). Der Gesamtumfang des Moduls beträgt bei 5 Creditpoints 150 Stunden (30 Std/ECTS). Daher stehen für die Vor- und Nachbereitung der Veranstaltung zusammen mit der Prüfungsvorbereitung 105 Stunden zur Verfügung.
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen (Module):
Als Vorkenntnis empfohlen für Module:
Prof. Steven Frysinger |
Dozent/innen: Prof. Steven Frysinger Prof. Dr. Ralf Denzer
[letzte Änderung 25.03.2015]
The students will be able to: - Explain the natural and social science foundations of environmental decisions; - Discuss the role of information systems in decision support in general, and environmental decision making in particular; - Describe the difference between Environmental Management Information Systems and Environmental Decision Support Systems (EDSS); - Explain the value of integrating such technologies as geographic information systems, mathematical process modeling, Monte Carlo simulation, linear programming, and expert systems into an EDSS; - Describe the theoretical foundations of geographical information systems; - Compare and contrast vector vs. raster encoding of spatial data layers; - Develop a user-centered design of an EDSS for a specific decision and decision maker. [OE+0+0+0+0+0+0=0]
[letzte Änderung 23.11.2017]
Environmental Decision Support Systems are computer systems which help humans make environmental management decisions. They facilitate "Natural Intelligence" by making information available to the human in a form which maximizes the effectiveness of their cognitive decision processes, and they can take a number of forms. EDSSs are focused on specific problems and decision-makers. This sharp contrast with the general-purpose character of such software systems as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is essential in order to put and keep EDSSs in the hands of real decision-makers who have neither the time nor inclination to master the operational complexities of general-purpose systems. This course will combine seminars on various topics essential to EDSS design with a practical project in which students will specify the fundamental interaction design and software architecture of a system supporting an environmental decision problem of their choice.
[letzte Änderung 24.03.2015]
[noch nicht erfasst]
Modul angeboten in Semester:
SS 2024,
SS 2023,
SS 2022,
SS 2021,
SS 2020,