Modulbezeichnung (engl.):
Human/Computer Interaction |
Code: PIM-WI30 |
4V (4 Semesterwochenstunden) |
5 |
Studiensemester: 1 |
Pflichtfach: nein |
Deutsch |
[letzte Änderung 19.07.2007]
PIM-WI30 Praktische Informatik, Master, ASPO 01.10.2011
, 1. Semester, Wahlpflichtfach
Die Präsenzzeit dieses Moduls umfasst bei 15 Semesterwochen 60 Veranstaltungsstunden (= 45 Zeitstunden). Der Gesamtumfang des Moduls beträgt bei 5 Creditpoints 150 Stunden (30 Std/ECTS). Daher stehen für die Vor- und Nachbereitung der Veranstaltung zusammen mit der Prüfungsvorbereitung 105 Stunden zur Verfügung.
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen (Module):
Als Vorkenntnis empfohlen für Module:
Prof. Dr. Ralf Denzer |
Dozent/innen: Prof. Steven Frysinger
[letzte Änderung 19.07.2007]
This course will (A) make the system developer aware of the human aspects of the system, including the peculiar cognitive and perceptual attributes of the human being; (B) provide the developer with design criteria and guidelines which will help to produce effective interactive computer systems; and (C) teach the developer how to quantitatively test the human/computer interface in a rigorous way, as part of the testing of the rest of the system. [OE+0+0+0+0+0+0=0]
[letzte Änderung 19.07.2007]
Computer systems are embedded in virtually every aspect of our modern life, from the database systems that help us run our businesses down to the cellular telephones on which we have come to depend for daily personal communication. But developers of these tools frequently forget that the human being is part of the computer system, because essentially all of these systems depend on human interaction of some sort to produce the desired end result. In order to overcome this we must educate computer system developers about the nature of the human/computer interface (HCI) and give them tools with which to design and test effective interfaces in the systems which they develop.
[letzte Änderung 19.07.2007]
Price, Jennifer / Rogers, Yvonne /Sharp, Helen: Interaction Design. John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
[letzte Änderung 19.07.2007]